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tv   ABC 7 News at Noon  ABC  September 28, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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better phone, better internet. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money. upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and pho with our best price online: just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. internet is absolutely imperative for school nowadays. look up this, write an essay on that. my life is greatly improved because of fios. [ male announcer ] don't wait! switch to fios for a super-low $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. visit ntatact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. welcome to life on fios. >> live and in hd, this is abc 7 "news at noon," on your side. afternoon on this friday. i am cynne simpson. our top story, a nationwide manhunt underway for a virginia a newspected of killing york school superintendent. john gonzalez is live in
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on arige with details murder suspect and reaction from neighbors. >> we are told at this hour, york are onin new way to woodbridge, virginia, looking for this former marine who lives in this zone. we are told he is accused of murder. lives in this home. neighbors have not seen him or for days. 42-year-old anthony taglianetti living here with his family. the male was stacking up. >> he is a former marine sniper. >> this woman is afraid to show since there's a manhunt for her neighbor, who appears to be the average husband and father of four. >> we used to see the kids outside all the time. of the ordinary, but police believed the drove to and shotew york friday reed multiplete
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times. .> my children loved mr. reed >> the body was found outside the victim's home three days later. >> we did hear something that gunshots and heard male voices for a moment. >> police believe the suspect to virginia. cracks armed and dangerous. >> you never expect it to be so close to home. so you lock up and wait for e.ings to be don >> we can tell you the family parked out front. police are not telling us where wife and kids are. they're not talking about a motive. john gonzalez reporting from woodbrige. five people in minnesota are gunman opened fire a small business yesterday
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afternoon. there's a report the shooter is old.ars killed four people before taking life after losing his the sign company. everything was quiet and then gunfire. >> you heard about five gunshots. >> the owner of the business was among those killed. he and four others. the people are in critical condition. coloradols about the movie theater schuring. james holmes threatened a professor before that shooting. that led the university of colorado to ban him from the campus. faces 152 charges including 12 murder charges. witnesses and those injured allowed to visit the theater soon.
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a vigil will be held tonight for county teenager killed monday in a car crash. 16-year-old ian heflin was on way to school when the car was riding in struck a tree. he died at the scene. his sister was seriously injured in the crash. person, the teenage driver, was not injured. tonight's schedule will take ace at the liberty high school football game in bealeton, virginia. police have resumed their breath alcohol testing program today. the tests were suspended in 2010 after its in accurately calibrated -- after it in equipment calibrated readings.e false laws that are now take effect in august. pepco and union officials will afternoon in an effort o avoid a strike. a federal mediator is expected to attend. wednesday, union workers company calledhe
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its final contract offer. sticking points include changes h benefits and the some positions from full- time to part-time. time pepco went on strike was 1985. adam caskey is here now. let's have a look at our forecast. >> we are seeing clouds rolling slowly today. there was thick fog early this morning. look at this from frederick county this morning. it dissipated. now we have a good amount of sunshine. clouds are moving back into town. if similar conditions to the past couple days. clouds moved overhead in the toernoon and that leads the eveninger in and the nighttime. that later on today and tonight. ,5 in oxon hill, 73 in leesburg 70 in round hill. little muggy outside. a little above average for this
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year for the temperature is with dew points in the '60s. you will feel that. o is a little cooler at 70. 59 in boston. and 89 showers degrees. forecast coming up, more fall-like conditions. ck.ill be ba ,> on the campaign trail republican presidential nominee y tries to slow t obama's momentum in a swing state. hosting a fund-raiser and a campaign rally in pennsylvania. president obama has several in the d.c. area today. a romney campaign memo obtained cnn says the president will nexty be the winner of presidential debate denver although it may not impact the election outcome. the man behind the film that
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sparked the anti-american t isence in the middle eas back behind bars. federal judge in california ordered nakoula basseley to be held after violated theay he terms of his probation. the judge also said that he's a flight risk. the man was convicted of tax fraud. in fraud still to come -- can do tog i encourage the kids to come to school, i would like to do. >> a washington wizards player inspiring children on and off the court. and, a new photograph sparking speculation. we will tell you where this was taken. >> i am bob ryan inside a place.rium, a special will tell you why. place.rium, a special will[ male announcer ] with ultra-filtered water
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from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator r yourself at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500.
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but hurry this incredible offer ends octob 10th. come in today or visit online at [ knocking ] oh, no, i got to go. oh, can you make that to go? these days, nobody has time to get sick. but minunuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurspractitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. you guys want to go to the park? yeah! yeah! minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs/pharmacy. accepts united healthcare benefit plans. find a clininic near you at [ mitt romney ] there are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care foemthem, who believe that they aree entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it... and they will vote for this president no matter what..
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and so my job is not to rry about those people. i'll never convince them they suld take personal responsibility and care for their lives. drilling is under way outside detroit house as police search for the body of jimmy hoffa. a man said that he saw someone something in a black bag years ago.
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busiest freeway angeles, a 10 mile the 405 is closing for the weekend. they are putting in a new bridge, a ramp, and a carpool lane. there will be no orange line e between vienna and east falls church on metro. no green line service between avenue and branch from 10:00 tonight until closing on sunday. shuttle buses will be available. red line trains will single n noma and fort totten. yellow line trains will single huntington and braddock road. no work on the blue line this weekend. there's a plan in place to keep nationalsing if any playoff games run late. now an online company called leading social says it will pay for extended service.
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the company is putting down the it as ato cover deposit. and elementary school in washington had a l guest, washington .izards guard john wall he spoke with students and promoted a new school fitness program. brianne carter has details. >> a special start to the school for students of simon elementary in southeast d.c. the washington wizards guard l worked out with the 8 students working hard to healthy. want them to get a good education. build our t of the kids success program, designed enhance health and academic udents.ance of st district grade student
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participates in the mornings. >> we go out onto the field. >> kids should get 60 minutes physical activity per day, many schools don't provide physical education and 't have regular recess. program was introduced last d.c. to help their bodies. say it is helping their >> we get feedback from them and we know the students are more the mornings and are learn.o that's why we do the program, know that if their active that their active.ll be milked to use chocolate to get meme energized. >> the program is in 13 schools columbia andc 160 schools across the country. to and hundreds more by the end of 2013.
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brianne carter reporting from southeast. a good day to be active. >> its a little unit for this time of year. the humidity comes and goes. for this a little humid of year. rainfall? >> possibly saturday night or sunday. it's not going to be a washout. things will be a little cooler. there's a look at our nation's capital. ttle muggy outside with a dew point of 65. and means you really feel the humidity in the air. it's not oppressive. air temperature of 76. 4 will tack on another degrees as we go through the day. 76 at2 in martinsburg, marshall, 75 in frederick. notice the areas of rain moving into the shenandoah valley, a protein the blue ridge,
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especially in paige county and harrisonburg. and is a lot more rain move into seven of our viewing area first the metro area close to evening.ter this it's part of the cold front and the energy that has been riding for days. it's the same pattern. there will be a few more s today and one or two have a slight chance of severe, especially south of washington. 81 at 3:00 p.m., 78 at 6:00 p.m. around theeveloping area around the drive home. 9:00 p.m., 71. scattered rain tonight into tomorrow. late saturday night we could see a few showers. a pretty dry weekend and e outside overall for the weekend. mid 70's this weekend. the mid 70's continue all the
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good part of next week. has moved inside. tell us what's going on in arlington. >> we are inside space, inside a w planetarium that was rededicated today. alice was one of the driving rebuilding this planetarium. >> it's great to be here. having me. this is a special place because it's named for dave brown, an astronaut's lost in the challenger. the community has come together it.ebuild >> they have. its been a lot of work. it had fallen into disrepair. >> it had been gently running down. the director was keeping it going with heroic efforts, but .updating
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it needed new seats. and a new seats all that was very expensive. >> this was the only planetarium in the metropolitan area that was open for schoolchildren and .to learn >> it's the only freestanding planetarium. others in the area, but they are located inside school buildings and accessible only to the buildings.hose this one is unique, so people come from all over the region and they do. the community can use it and students, every day. >> how exciting is it to have of the david bram planetarium? >> it's wonderful. i have been involved in public outreach all of my professional career. i know planetariums are the gateway drug for science. when kids get into a place like
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this and get blown away by their --erience >> the open house is this weekend. the first programs for all students will be coming shortly. site. web >> it's going to be a fun weekend. back to you. >> we will try to put the information on our web site, we have much more to come. we have a preview from new york of zero what is ahead on ♪
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[ harry umlaut ] hey you know what, i speak european. [ sally umlaut ] european isn't a language. i think they speak all kinds over there. nah. it's basically one language with a few variations. my cousin has a passport. uh-huh. take this fascinating muller yogurt. frut up. means "fruit up." as in creamy yogurt down below. and a delectable, aromatic layer of blended fruity, moussey, uppiness on top. frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are biingual. yeah, i dated a comma in high school. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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[ mitt romney ] there are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they y are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it... d they will vote for this president no matter what... anand so my job is not to wory about those people. i'll never convince them they shohould take personal responsibility and care for their lives. pranks, the bullies, pushed to their limits and teachers who take things too far. chris revealing look with cuomo.
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>> we are concerned about what's n our schools. there's a police presence now all over the country. a good thing.t's if the question is, do we go too far in what we punished and how. tens of thousands of kids in the country are arrested every year. showsvestigation tonight often they are meaningless crimes arrestedare getting for. it matters, because when you are a kid, it means a than when you are an adult. it can change your life. so it's not just important to be tough. >> also, you are interviewing a who was locked up as a of inappropriate contact student. this is a good one.
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we know this classic debate. when it's a male teacher and a student, and they go to jail. when it's a female student and a male teacher, it's a gray area. this case pushes the limits kids were 18he years or older and the teachers 25. wrong. says it is still >> we will be watching. it.ppreciate that entire segment is at 10:00 right here on abc 7. then state-owned for abc 7 news at 11:00. on "katie" we will hear from handler, the author and comedienne. is there anything that's off- limits in her jokes? they will talk about family, friends, and sex, today at 4:00 p.m. right here on abc 7. curiosity rover confirms did once existr on mars.
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curiosity has sent back of bedrock, which suggests a fast moving stream once followed. thistists are calling exciting. and a mystery in jacksonville, texas. when you pull up the google view and pan around, this what you see, this unusual floating object. there's some speculation that is a ufo. so or porter went to .nvestigate the people we spoke with said they have never seen this in the sky. they are amazed by the image on google. google has notified but they to thet yet responded ufo claim. still ahead, a final look at the
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krystal conwell : we see a lot of problems with the... number of students that we have. resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean hundreds of millions of dollars... for scols...from gaming revenues that woululd have... ne to other states. and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children.
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infringement on our lives.s like shouldsuch an...question... how dare they
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step into my life that way. it's none of their business. he's trying to restrict us, again. he's taking us backwards. george allen is the last thing we need in washington. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising. in later thising evening and tonight. more seasonable temperatures [ harry umlaut ] that's one creamy muller.
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[ sally umlaut ] it's greek-style yogurt. thick, scrumptious, and more protein than those regular yogurts. are those almonds i see in the corner thingy? caramelized almonds i think you'll find. well, who wants ordinary run-of-the-mill almonds when you could have the caramelized kind? if i was this girl, i'd caramelize my whole apartment. weird. this greek style yogurt has style. you can say that again. why thank you. this greek style yogurt has style. okay. stop saying it now. you're sending me mixed messages. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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[ mitt romney ] there are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it... and they will vote for this president no matter what... d so my job is not to worry about those people. i'll never convince them they shohould take personal responsibility and care for their lives. [ knocking ] oh, no, i got to go. oh, can you make that to go? these days, nobody has time to get sick. but minuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. you guys want to go to the park? yeah! yeah! minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs/pharmacy. accepts united healthcare benefit plans. find a clic near you at


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